Some might think multiple orgasms are just for women, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Men can have multiple orgasms – it just takes time, practice, and a better understanding of orgasms in general. For instance, most men think an orgasm is just cumming while ejaculating, which is something a guy can usually only do once without a break. However, if you learn how to orgasm without ejaculating, you can have more orgasms in a single sexual session without the recovery time in between.
Understanding the male orgasm.
Men have four different types of orgasms:
- Ejaculation orgasm
- Non-ejaculation orgasms
- Peaking non-ejaculation orgasms
- Prostate orgasms
Most men report that the last three of the four kinds of orgasms are more intense, have a no-refresh period, and can last much longer than a traditional orgasm — sometimes up to 10 minutes.
Sounds great, right? So let’s get down to the nitty-gritty of how to make this happen.
Just keep fapping.
To have non-ejaculation orgasms, you’re going to have to learn how to control your ejaculation. You’ll have to get comfortable with masturbating for 10 or more minutes with constant stimulation. This means no starting and stopping — just keep fapping. This is necessary because you’ll have to be able to bring yourself to the edge of having a non-ejaculate orgasm and then hold yourself at the threshold. Remember that you’ll need to masturbate every day, as missing even one can set you back in your training.
Blocking the cum.
You may be wondering how you stop the cum from, well, coming. This is where Kegel exercises come into play. I’m sure you’ve heard of these in reference to the ladies, but Kegels, like multiple orgasms, are not just for women. The PC muscle is a muscle that stretches from your pelvis to your tailbone to form the pelvic floor – it’s also the muscle you use to stop the flow of urine.
To flex your PC muscle (do a kegel), just flex the same way you would to stop peeing. This same muscle can also control the flow of ejaculate, so exercise yours until it could crack a walnut. You also want to have a vice-like grip behind your penis to stop that ejaculate. Start by practicing your Kegels two to three times per day, and hold each kegel flex for 20+ seconds. At that point, you should be able to squeeze hard enough to pull yourself back from the edge of ejaculation during masturbation.
Once you’ve mastered Kegels, don’t stop doing them. You need to keep that muscle strong, and the only way to do that is to consistently work it out.
Living on the edge.
While you’re masturbating, try something called “edging.” This is where you bring yourself up to a 9.5 in stimulation (10 being ‘the big bang'”), and then bring yourself back down to about a 6, then bring yourself back up, and then back down again. Stay in the range as long as possible without actually ejaculating, and squeeze your PC muscle super hard to help bring you back down. The point of this exercise is to help you become very aware of how close you are to ejaculation at all times.
Separating the orgasm from the cum.
Surprisingly, the feeling of orgasm isn’t tied to ejaculation. The two just tend to happen simultaneously, which is why your body isn’t used to separating the feelings. That’s why you have to train it to do so.
Try masturbating to the point of no return, and then squeeze your PC muscle as hard as you can and for as long as you can. You’ll feel your penis start to twitch and swell, but your ejaculation will be delayed. The cool part is the orgasm won’t be delayed, so you’ll feel a couple of seconds of orgasm before the ejaculate arrives. Now that you can do that, the next step is to orgasm without any ejaculation.
The non-ejaculatory orgasm.
Now it’s time to switch things up a bit. Once you hit the point of no return and start squeezing your PC muscle, STOP stroking your penis and open your eyes. This will help you attain a non-ejaculatory orgasm because you’ll either stop too early and not have an orgasm or do it too late and have your orgasm while you ejaculate. Once you nail down this technique, you’ll finally be able to have your first non-ejaculatory orgasm. Once you do, you’ll notice that you’re not spent, just cooled down to a 5 or 6 again and still able to keep going.
Don’t be surprised if it doesn’t happen the first time, though, as it’ll take practice. Many times the first one may not even be that great, but trust us, it’ll get better.
Intensify your orgasm.
The intensity of your non-ejaculate orgasm is based on how close you were to ejaculating when you had it. The closer you were, the better the orgasm. This is why it’s crucial to become very self-aware of your ejaculation.
If you’re doing a long, hard squeeze at the end and it doesn’t feel that pleasurable, try changing it up with a few medium-length contractions or a bunch of really quick ones. There’s no right or wrong way, as it’s just about what works best for you.
The prolonged orgasm.
So now you know how to have a non-ejaculatory orgasm, and if you’ve been practicing, you’re probably getting good at having more than one. Now, how do you prolong it? Well, the simple answer is once you have your first one, immediately try to have another one without letting yourself cool down. Shift the focus to the head of your penis and do a fast stroke to keep yourself on the edge. You should be able to get yourself to the peak again. As you try this quick succession of peaks, you’ll learn how to shorten the gaps between orgasms and hold yourself in that orgasmic state.
Once you’ve figured out how to have non-ejaculate orgasms on your own, you can start practicing with your partner. This will take some trial and error, but it’ll be well worth the effort once you figure out how to bring those multiples into the bedroom.
Looking for a few tips, or maybe even someone to practice with? Head over to now to find local people who can…give you a hand!
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