Dr. Anthony Fauci and his team of scientists continue to lament the COVID-19 Delta Variant, and new variants are making themselves known every day. Furthermore, scientists have explained new variants will always be on the way, as will other pandemics. So, while some feel the fatigue of all these variants, how is it that the adult dating community continues to prove we can and must move on to a brighter future with care and passion?
Adult Dating Enthusiasts Have Lots of Experience
Perhaps the main element that makes adult dating communities so resilient in the face of a public health crisis is the fact that venerable online dating entities have been here long enough to have the kind of experience that matters most.
Covid is the first global pandemic in the last hundred years or more, but many other public health crisis events have occurred in the previous few decades. Perhaps most notably, the HIV / AIDS crisis severely challenged the dating community in most parts of the world. Yet, even as that challenge raged on, we still found ways to persevere. In fact, one might argue that dating enthusiasts are the ones who showed the world how to keep moving forward with a lust for life, even in the face of outbreaks and misinformation campaigns.
What Have We Learned And How Can We Apply It?
There are many lessons adult dating communities have learned over the years, and many of them can be applied just as well to the Covid pandemic. So let’s take a look back to see how we can all move forward:
1 – Find Information You Can Trust
The most important thing you can do to keep yourself and others safe is to look for information sources you can trust. Yes, doing your own digging online is important, but let’s not be foolish enough to call that “research.” Research is what trained scientists do every day in labs around the world with actual experimentation and testing. Reading a blog with a countervailing view can’t be considered of equal weight when balanced against peer-reviewed articles published in major scientific journals. Get actual facts, cross-reference several sources, and test your understanding by having civil discussions with others. Once you have a solid information fact-based understanding of what’s going on, deciding your own course of action becomes much more straightforward.
2 – Accept Getting Most of What You Want
You might prefer sex without a condom, but at the height of the AIDS health crisis, barebacking strangers just wasn’t a safe way to engage in a series of one-night stands. You may need to make some alterations to your sex life during the pandemic, but if you are smart about it, you can still get almost everything you want out of your next fantasy session. Instead of being bummed that she didn’t swallow or annoyed that they wanted to see proof you have been vaccinated – go with it and enjoy a robust orgasmic experience with a smile instead of sitting home lamenting another lonely night by yourself.
3 – Only YOU Get To Choose Your Outlook
Facts are facts, and we all have to live with them, but only you get to choose your outlook on dating, life, and everything else. Walking around with a smile on your face is even more contagious than Covid! Nobody wants to spend time with a sad sack who constantly recounts all the hardships we’re experiencing. Life is what you make of it, and the world will keep spinning whether you are for or against it. So buck up, enjoy the sunshine, feel the warmth of chatting with others, and spread your light everywhere you go.
In the weeks, months, and years to come, we will continue to face all kinds of challenges. Eventually, modern medicine and human ingenuity overcome each, but new obstacles will present themselves, and each will require a new set of answers. Whether it’s a variant, an entirely new kind of pandemic, an asteroid hurtling towards the Earth, or some other unexpected event – bad things will happen. However, adult dating optimists can teach you that even in the face of seemingly insurmountable adversity, being a caring, passionate and enthusiastic individual can make you a celebrated part of the solution.
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