Play With Your Food – Treats to Incorporate Into Your Sexy Fun

Play With Your Food – Treats to Incorporate Into Your Sexy Fun

So, just what kind of food can you incorporate into your sexy fun? Of course, you're probably already familiar with the classic sex foods: oysters, strawberries, and champagne. But did you know that many other foods can help you get in the mood and spice up yo...
A Polyamory Vocabulary Guide For Newbies

A Polyamory Vocabulary Guide For Newbies

Polyamory is the practice of having multiple sexual or emotional partners, and it's becoming more and more common in place of monogamy. However, for singles or couples new to the idea, the world of polyamory can be a bit overwhelming, and you might not know wh...
What is a “Sex Fast” and Can It Reignite Your Relationship?

What is a “Sex Fast” and Can It Reignite Your Relationship?

What is a sex fast? After hearing about Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker's recent foray into abstaining from sex, you may be wondering that yourself. The couple decided to try out sex fast as a way to strengthen their relationship - and it seems to have w...
Opinion: Johnny Depp and Amber Heard Prove Traditional Marriage is Overrated

Opinion: Johnny Depp and Amber Heard Prove Traditional Marriage is Overrated

Monogamy may be the mainstream, socially acceptable norm, but is it all it's cracked up to be? Of course, a lot of squares throw shade at people living a poly lifestyle, but anyone following the Johnny Depp / Amber Heard divorce can easily see why unconvention...
Are CBD Vaginal Suppositories Worth the Hype?

Are CBD Vaginal Suppositories Worth the Hype?

CBD suppositories have become a new way of treating health issues in recent years. They have many benefits, and some say they're even more effective than traditional medications. But are they actually safe to use? And what are some of the benefits of using the...